Miscellaneous (only unofficial skateboarding)
System D.I.Y.
Without authorization either, we thought it would be a good idea to redo the wallride under the bridge. Indeed, its only merit is that it has remained in its place through time, unused. The idea was to make it skatable. One thing often leads to another, and little by little the spot has expanded, albeit not without problems. The good news is that it's been recognized by the town council and should remain in place. So, even if construction has stopped for the time being, that doesn't mean it's over! The full article can be found in issue thirty-six of Confusion Magasine.
West Wind D.I.Y.
"West Wind" is the name of the Shetland pony who lives in his paddock next to the spot. The bowl is named after the pony in honor of the hard-on he displayed when he looked at it one day during construction... All photos of the work are shot on Fomapan 400 and Rollei RPX 400 film. The Bowl is very rad with built-in slappy, watch out for this! Full article in Confusion issue thirty four.
Slappy Caddy D.I.Y.
After having skated and shot at the parking blocks spot in Lyon's Part-Dieu district, it seemed obvious that we needed to do the same in Annecy. All that remained was to find a quiet spot with a smooth floor, a concrete expert who'd stopped thinking and a crew to help. All construction photos were shot on Fomapan 400 film. Full article in Confusion issue thirty three.
La Corniche D.I.Y.
Hard to keep busy during the first lockdown. So what could be smarter than drinking cough syrup or buying overpriced fashion victim clothes on the web? Something creative like a D.I.Y. spot, of course! Hidden but close to everything, too good, no need to buy anything, just grab it and build over a few beers. Pirates Shit Squad! Full article in Confusion issue twenty-six.
Le Labo D.I.Y. (R.I.P.)
It's hard to know exactly who built this spot, as it was built over a long period of time and a lot of people came to take part. However, the spot still exists today, but it has been covered in rubble by the owner... Shitty world! Full article in Confusion issue twenty three and here : http://www.confuzine.com/2020/03/20/le-labo-diy-marseille-france/
Café Cramé D.I.Y. (R.I.P.)
An abandoned warehouse filled with cartons of expired coffee capsules, rumored to have been set on fire by the operator himself? Located in the city, but discreet enough not to be spotted by the neighborhood? Shit, it's the perfect place to meet a young fox, build a D.I.Y. and call it "Café Cramé". As everything comes to an end, the gypsies moved in... But they too were kicked out as the site was being rebuilt. End of story. Check the full article here: http://www.confuzine.com/2018/06/05/cafecramediy/
Premier Slappy Challenge
Obviously without authorization, the boys from Cliché Skateboard had the wicked idea of organizing the very first Slappy Challenge at the Venice/Lyon curb, which is located along the banks of the Rhône. A real street contest! It happened on October 15, 2016, in a really laid-back atmosphere and under a blazing sun. It almost felt like Venice Beach, only better! Check here : http://www.freeskatemag.com/2016/…/21/lyon-slappy-challenge/